Sant Jordi will be celebrated next April 23rd in Barcelona

During the last week of March 2021, the Procicat, together with the Conserjería de Cultura and the different guilds of florists, booksellers, and Catalonia publishers, has signed the approval of the Plan Sant Jordi 2021, which will be held on April 23.
In this line, during these days are being organized in various parts of the city to install spaces of books and roses, such as the gardens of the Palau Robert, Paseo de Gracia, and Plaza Reial.
The plan allows both bookstores and flower shops to set up stalls in the street and serve inside with a limited capacity of 50% from April 21.
Also, each municipality may have perimeter spaces with a distance of two meters.
Masks will be mandatory at all times, and hydro alcoholic gel dispensers must be available for all persons.
Another new feature this year is that meetings with writers will be prohibited to avoid crowds.
What is recommended by Procicat is that people ask for their books signed in advance and pick them up on any day or that authors can only sign at the bookstores' outdoor stands.
Fuente: Time Out Barcelona