Introducing our B2B department

From left to right, María Pía Castillo and Georgia Aloutzanidou, responsible for the Business to Business Department
In the real estate ecosystem of big cities like Barcelona or Madrid, it is essential to have collaboration agreements with different actors such as business schools, multinationals, Relocations, Clinics or companies that need to have a strategic partner that allows them to solve their temporary accommodation needs for their collaborators, employees or clients.
Along these lines, María Pía and Georgia have taken on the challenge of leading this important area, creating new and important commercial agreements with some of these strategic partners. This type of collaboration benefits both parties, on the one hand, the client receives preferential treatment, having a specialized person to expedite the work and help in their search, prioritizing their requests and offering various alternatives that may fit their preferences and needs.
On the other hand, the agency benefits from a continuous flow of requests that allows it to be sized appropriately, allocating the necessary resources to ensure customer satisfaction. "This has allowed us to have the support and trust of several national and international companies that have chosen aTemporal to provide an exclusive service when looking for temporary housing in Barcelona for their clients or employees,'' says Georgia.
For her part, Maria explains that one of the main objectives in 2023 is to consolidate the brand, transforming aTemporal in the temporary rental agency of reference and specialized in providing an exclusive and preferential service to collaborating partners who need temporary accommodation in Barcelona or Madrid.
Finally, Quico Marín, founding partner of aTemporal, highlighted the importance of the creation of this department and emphasized that collaborators appreciate the facilitating role of the agency when looking for a temporary home for their employees and clients. "Without a doubt, our key word and the one we want to continue to be recognized for is SERVICE, written in capital letters. Therefore, the feedback we receive from our partners has been our main letter of recognition. The satisfaction of doing our job well and the certainty that we offer a quality service, makes us the reference agency in the sector and will be the road we will continue to pave'', he emphasized.