We explain the step-by-step process for registering in a CAP in Barcelona

A CAP is a Primary Care Centre and is the gateway to the health system in Barcelona. It corresponds to the first level of health care in Barcelona and offers general medical care, preventive, curative and rehabilitative care.
Depending on where you are registered here in Barcelona, you will be assigned to a Primary Care Centre (CAP). It is important to note that everyone has the right to health care, regardless of whether they are citizens of the European Union, foreigners or their situation.
Registering at a CAP
To register at a CAP, you must have an Individual Health Card (Tarjeta Sanitaria Individual - TSI). This card is individual and non-transferable and is a fundamental document for the identification of each citizen in order to access the National Health System.
If you are a foreigner, to obtain it, you must be registered in any municipality in Catalonia and be an insured person or a beneficiary of a person who is already insured in the Social Security System. This card is essential to be able to request the assignment of a family doctor, because if you fall ill or have an accident and need to take time off work, the only person authorised to certify it is the doctor in the public system.
This link explains the step-by-step procedure for obtaining the TSI.
Ways to start the TSI procedure
You can carry out the procedure in two ways:
In person:
-. You should look for the CAP that is closest to the address where you are registered. You can search for your Health Centre by clicking on the following link: https://catsalut.gencat.cat/ca/centres-sanitaris/quin-cap-correspon-a-una-adreca/index.html#googtrans(ca|es)
-. Then prepare all the necessary documentation in advance and ask for it in person to carry out the procedure. The card should arrive at your home within 2 to 3 weeks.
You must enter the following link and fill in all the necessary fields to process the application correctly: https://salut.gencat.cat/pls/rca/RCAPKTSI.SOLICITAR_TSI
This consists of 4 fundamental steps:
1.- First of all, you must enter your personal details,
2.- Then you will be asked for the "Type of insurance'', selecting the corresponding option.
3.- In the third step you will have to fill in your residence and contact details.
4.- In "TSI details'', select the option that corresponds to your case.
5.- Finally there is the last step "Confirmation'', if necessary you must attach a copy of the census certificate.
Now you just have to wait for the final decision to receive your health card at your home address. After the administration has corroborated your data and the resolution is positive, you will receive an email with a receipt of your CIP that will allow you to access the health system while you receive your physical card.
After receiving the card at your home address, you can finally ask to be assigned a family doctor, who will be able to refer you to different specialities depending on your case or process your sick leave.
Congratulations, you are now registered in a CAP!